Dear God,
We Want to Be The Sun or The Moon more than The Star

Ya Tuhan, Jadikanlah kami seperti Matahari, seperti Bulan dan seperti Bintang-Bintang

Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda!

Minggu, 07 September 2008

The Nine R u l e s O f L i f e

The Nine Rules Of Life :
  1. Whatever that happened to us, please no complain
  2. Because, there is no pain, no misery and no regret in the world
  3. Just do it, whatever we like to
  4. Find someone to love (parents, girl, kids,...)
  5. Don't think something that we don't like, even in a minute
  6. Always remember the good thing not the bad ones
  7. After all No One Perfect
  8. Make good wish to God
  9. If can't, go to rule no. 1

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Warung Soto Ayam Mulud

Feel The Taste of Our Soto!
So Delicious

By Hari
Jalan Pasar Cawas - Pedan
Sentul Cawas