Dear God,
We Want to Be The Sun or The Moon more than The Star

Ya Tuhan, Jadikanlah kami seperti Matahari, seperti Bulan dan seperti Bintang-Bintang

Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda!

Jumat, 19 September 2008

I see You In My Dream

In My Dream.........!

I see you arround.........!

I know you want to meet me.....................!

Its seem you want to catch me and say something to me .........!

But when we were close each others.........!

And I want to kiss you........!

You said, Don't do it now..........!

You are still............

('s not clear what you said


Then you gone........!

And I woke up........!

A few month later you were calling me, that I was so surprised

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