Dear God,
We Want to Be The Sun or The Moon more than The Star

Ya Tuhan, Jadikanlah kami seperti Matahari, seperti Bulan dan seperti Bintang-Bintang

Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda!

Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009

Lagiman Yunior

Sulaeman Sasmito Wibowo nice kid, he was born in April 22, 2008. He is the youngest of Mr.Lagiman's son (Putro Mbarep). Mr Lagiman had two son, the older son name Ahmad Aji Luqman Nurdin (7 years old). He want every body in the world knows about him, so I posted his picture in this blog...

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Warung Soto Ayam Mulud

Feel The Taste of Our Soto!
So Delicious

By Hari
Jalan Pasar Cawas - Pedan
Sentul Cawas