Dear God,
We Want to Be The Sun or The Moon more than The Star

Ya Tuhan, Jadikanlah kami seperti Matahari, seperti Bulan dan seperti Bintang-Bintang

Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda!

Senin, 27 Oktober 2008

to overcome really shy - jet li

july 15, 2007: 14:34

Question :

You say that you are really shy , I really like to know how do you overcome to one's shyness?


Jet's Response

I learned English in my 30s. When I first started out, I was afraid I would be bad at it and people would laugh at me when I use it. So I was worried about other people's perception. But then I realized that when I see someone who only knows English and is learning Chinese. I am happy to hear him just say "ni hao." So if you just use your heart to try your best in whatever you do, then that will be fine. Language is a communication tool. Without saying anything, just a smile, the other person can feel your heart. Do your best and don't be too afraid of what others think.

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